Posts Tagged ‘Contemporary art’

Rolf Harris – Snow on Marshy Ground (Limited Edition framed canvas)

April 9th, 2011

Canvas Edition of 195 – Framed canvas Size: 20″ x 40″

Edition no 52/195

Many years ago, when TVAM was operating, I arranged for them to hang a huge sheet of photographic paper in their studio so that I could do a demonstration painting of a snowscene for the TV cameras. I’d done all sorts of preliminary sketches of snow scenes, tree and building covered in snow, and went ahead and painted a 9 foot by 12 foot scene. It was thrilling to do, using all the different pots of paint and the 4 inch house painting brushes. I took a photo of the end result and have kept it ever since. The original painting was scrapped. Well, what can you do with something that huge in fairly flimsy paper? Just recently I unearthed my old photo and was inspired to paint it again, but this time in oil, and at a more sensible size.

Available from our gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Artists, Contemporary art, Pop Art Galleries, Rolf Harris | Comments (0)

Rolf Harris – Bush Sunset Limited Edition Framed Giclée Print

April 9th, 2011

Canvas Edition of 195 – Framed £1225 canvas size 1: 28″x40″

This is in Harvey in Western Australia. The sun had set behind me, leaving everything in deep shade. But the sunlight was still hitting the bank of the trees high up in the distance, lighting up to such a brilliant orange that they look for all the world like a far-off bush fire. I did all the foreground, sketched in the bright orange background and then began to put in the mass of branches at the top. Then I started to think about what my old teacher and mentor Hayward Veal told me. He’d suggested that instead of trying to paint trees and branches on top of the sky colour, you paint everything dark, then put the sky and the spaces in between to reveal the trees and branches. I followed his advice and it worked.

Available from our gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Artists, Contemporary art, Pop Art Galleries, Rolf Harris | Comments (0)

Rolf Harris – Road to Paradise Valley Limited Edition Framed Giclée Print

April 9th, 2011

Canvas Edition of 195 – Framed £1225 Size: 49″x19″

I illustrated the side of a grand piano for DeMontfort Fine Art, with a long complex scene partly made up from my head, partly inspired by photos of country scenes from Northern New South Wales. These photographs showed a very green landscape, but I had in mind a parches, dry scene mainly composed of reds and oranges. When I had finished it, I really loved it so much that I immediately coated a long canvas with orange paint so I could have the pleasure again of painting a similar scene, but in a more right-angled oblong shape. As I eventually got around to working on it, the excitement of painting the scene on the piano was long months away, but as soon as I started, the thrill was there again. I hadn’t realised that the piano was much longer than my canvas, and so couldn’t duplicate the piano work of art. It was of necessity, shorter, but I think, exactly as much fun to paint. I don’t think it would have worked as well had I made all the paddocks green instead of orangey-red.

Available from our gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Artists, Contemporary art, Pop Art Galleries, Rolf Harris | Comments (0)

Rolf Harris – Dry Country Limited Edition Framed Giclée Print

April 9th, 2011

Rolf Harris - Dry Country”

Canvas Edition of 195 – Framed £1295 Canvas size: 44″ x 27″

This is a spectacular country in one of the driest parts of Australia where the rocks seem to have a blue surface staining to them – they look incredible. The country is so sparse and barren that it can’t be farmed and the only trees that will grow are these – affectionately known as parachute trees. They have lots of tiny branches supporting a leafy canopy – hence the name.

Available from our gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Contemporary art, Pop Art Galleries, Rolf Harris | Comments (0)

Rolf Harris – Snorkelling Over the Deep – Limited Edition

April 9th, 2011

“Snorkelling Over the Deep”


Framed and Signed Limited Edition Giclee

Edition : 695 (worldwide)


Double mounted and framed with a 3.5″ white border.

Including a certificate of authenticity signed by Rolf Harris.

image size: 16 1/4″ x 24″

Available for or gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Contemporary art, Pop Art Galleries, Rolf Harris | Comments (0)

David Renshaw – Fine Art ORIGINAL

April 9th, 2011

Deep down David Renshaw always knew what he wanted to do for a living.In my school years I remember my dad teaching me some basic elements of drawing using light and shade in pencils and I dreamed of one day becoming an artist.

Being only really interested in art David Renshaw left school and studied Graphic Design at Southport college after which he found work and started at a local art gallery as a picture framer.

Needing to support his young family he worked in the art and picture framing industry for twelve years but also managed to paint part time producing mainly private commissions for people at the same time developing new techniques and ideas.

Although David enjoyed his job he still knew that this was not the life he really wanted and he eventually decided it was time to follow his dreams and with the support of his wife and two children he took the plunge, leaving his job to concentrate on painting full time.

David Renshaw now enjoys painting a broad range of subjects mainly in oils & acrylics and he is lucky to be represented by a selection of beautiful art galleries across the UK.

David Renshaw Originals – Original artworks by David Renshaw from – the leading fine art gallery.


Oil on canvas (Framed) £995

image size: 29.5″ x 29.5″ framed size: 41″ x 41″

Available from our gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Artists, Contemporary art, David Renshaw, Pop Art Galleries | Comments (0)

Anna Razumovskaya – Fusion Embellished canvas

April 9th, 2011


Framed Canvas Edition – Embellished

Edition of 195

image size: 24″ x 24″


In the gallery now, visit us at the address below, or alternatively visit our online shop here.

249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Anna Razumovskaya, Artists, Contemporary art, Pop Art Galleries | Comments (0)

Anna Razumovskaya – Daydreamer Embellished Limited Edition Canvas

April 9th, 2011

Anna Razumovskaya – “Daydreamer”

Framed Canvas Edition – Embellished

Edition of 195

image size: 24″ x 24″


In the gallery now, visit us at the address below, or alternatively visit our online shop here.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Posted in Anna Razumovskaya, Artists, Contemporary art, Pop Art Galleries | Comments (0)

Mike Jackson – New Perspectives

April 9th, 2011

Mike Jackson

Born in 1962 to a working class Manchester family, I grew up in a warm family surrounding with honest values. I left school with few qualifications but with a great love of art. However, I was encouraged to learn a trade so ‘I would always have something to fall back on’. I became a Butcher. After a wide and varied career path I eventually pursued the artistic path and became a Graphic Designer. I bought the various computer packages along with an Apple Mac and taught myself. I was lucky enough to gain access into the Commercial Art world and I stayed there, learning from mistakes and increasing in knowledge and experience for about 12 years. Meantime I was developing my illustration skills and learning different Medias until I felt I was good enough to sell some of my paintings.

For years after that I concentrated on perfecting my watercolour skills and felt that this was the path for me. I was quite a successful watercolour artist for many years and was pushed by a friend who has a gallery in Somerset to try out acrylics. This I did, and to my surprise I absolutely loved them. I have no formal training in art so I have had to learn by my own mistakes, yet I would have it no other way as I feel that this is the best way of developing your own technique. I am married with two fabulous children and one grandson, who all keep my feet on the ground. We moved to Somerset in 1999 which was fabulous for my artistic inspiration, as the colours and the local sounds of the country really help to free up my mind.

I am inspired really by my family, and the way my wife and I were when we were teenagers. We were a pair of romantics and always endeavoured to keep our relationship fun! I try to depict this in my little character. In most relationships there are sad times as well as happy times; this will show in my character as my work develops.

I was greatly inspired by LS Lowry, influenced mainly because he was a friend of my Grandfather. My ideas come mainly when I am out driving, and thinking about quirky little images to paint. I wish I could say that they come easily, but they don’t! It really is hard work, in fact that is probably harder than putting the painting together.

I tend to draw hundreds of little sketches when I get an idea in my head, and then try to develop two or three of the best sketches.

After I have chosen the images I am going to paint, I start by painting the backgrounds. This can take up to about four or five layers of building up and getting the light and shadows right. Then after this has dried, I paint in my background images faintly in white or grey as these should not dominate the page.

As I am going through these stages I am still determining the positions of the main characters and may change direction at any time. Eventually after great thought I am ready to paint in my main character. I block in this with white paint sketching the lines faintly first with white/grey paint as this would be easier to remove if I make a mistake. Eventually when the character is blocked in, I paint in the form in monochrome greys before applying colour to the image. When the image is coloured in, then I intensify the shadows and the highlights very carefully.

I awake at around 9.30, and come down stairs for a nice cup of tea. After I have come around, I go into my studio which is conveniently attached to my house… it is also called a garage!

I look at the previous day’s work and see what I can change about it. I try to be critical about my work, as I feel this can only improve. I am constantly endeavouring to make every piece better than the last

I turn on my radio… I cannot work without my radio on, and begin to work. I work on one piece at a time, as I get frustrated when I try to multi-paint! I like to see a painting reaching its end and improving quickly.

I spend most of the day in my studio, only popping out to put the kettle on or make a sandwich.

I usually pack up work at about 4.30pm and start the Tea before my wife gets in from work. In the evening we will sit and watch Coronation Street and Eastenders together, and then later I will get out my sketch book again or pop back in the studio to put a few touches to whatever I am working on.

I love my work passionately and never want to stop painting… I feel extremely blessed to have been given a skill such as this.

Mike Jackson launches his new collection New Perspectives at Smart Art Galleries in 2011.

You can view and buy Mike’s work at our gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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Mike Jackson – Fine Art ORIGINALS

April 9th, 2011

“Blowing in the Wind” ORIGINAL Oil on canvas £895

image size: 19.5″ x 29.5″ (50 x 75cm) framed size: 24.5″ x 34.5″ (62 x 88cm)

“I Will Be Your Bodyguard”

ORIGINAL Oil on canvas £895

image size: 23.5″ x 23.5″ (59 x 59cm) framed size: 28.5″ x 28.5″ (72 x 72cm)

“The Lovers” ORIGINAL

Double mounted and framed with a 6″ wide beveled border.


framed size: 65cm x 90cm

“Two Little Boys” ORIGINAL Oil on canvas

This piece has taken around three months to complete
Building glaze upon glaze.


image size: 23.5″ x 23.5″ (59 x 59cm)
framed size: 28.5″ x 28.5″ (72 x 72cm)
Available for or gallery or here online.

Smart Art Galleries
249 Baslow Road,
S17 4DU

+44(0)114 236 4355

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